Pre-Read vs. The Live Agenda

When you're preparing your board meeting Zecks, you'll want to clearly separate read-ahead materials for calibration from your topics for actual discussion.

Included in this article:

  1. Video Tutorial 
  2. Pre-Read Best Practices
  3. Live Meeting Best Practices

2. Pre-Read Best Practices

  • Your backward looking, update sections should typically be identified as a part of the Pre-Read. You can name those sections accordingly (e.g. Pre-Read | Marketing Update) and leave them off the agenda for the live meeting. The goal is to have your board members review these sections in their entirety ahead of the live meeting and leave lots of comments. 
  • Have the team review Comments on the Published Site ahead of the meeting so they can come prepared to answer all of those questions. 
  • It's a great idea to call out which sections you would like for the board to review in advance in the Letter from the CEO section and in the email when you share the link to the Published Site. 
  • You'll also want to ask the board member to Pre-vote all of the Votes included for that meeting. This will help to cut down on the minutia of governance in the live meeting.
  • Admins should review Engagement Analytics ahead of the meeting and send a nudge to anyone who hasn't started to calibrate ahead of the meeting. 

3. Live Meeting Best Practices

  • Your Meeting Agenda should clearly define the topics that you will go over during the live meeting. This typically will not include every section from your Table of Contents because some of those items are meant for the Pre-read and not the live meeting. 
  • We recommend including an agenda topic to "Review Open Comments from the Pre-Read." This will often occur at the beginning of the meeting so you can wrap up all open questions. 
  • Then you'll want to include all of your Deep Dives (forward-looking strategic conversations) as the main items on your Agenda. This is a great opportunity to develop a more collaborative meeting between the board of directors and the executive team. 
  • You'll want to go through and digitally approve all of the Votes in the Zeck. If your board members have Pre-voted, this process will be a breeze.
  • It's a great idea to also include an Executive Session in each meeting. 
  • Once the meeting is complete, don't forget to generate Meeting Minutes in your Minutes book so you can put them up for approval in the next meeting.


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