Publish Your Zeck

Once you have finished editing, you will need to Publish your Zeck. If you make additional changes, you should Publish Changes so that your viewers will see the most up-to-date version on the Published Site.

Included in this article:

  1. Video Tutorial
  2. Publish your Zeck
  3. Publish Changes
  4. Pro Tips When Publishing 

1. Publish your Zeck

To publish your Zeck:

  1. Navigate to the Zeck Editor 
  2. Click Publish at the top of the Section Navigation 
  3. A window will appear showing your options to Publish Site to Viewers. You will be able to Select Viewers, Disable Comments in your Published Zeck & Publish Now.  
  4. Click Publish Now 
  5. A window will open showing your options to Publish Site to Viewers 
  6. Click Yes, Publish Now

2. Publish Changes

To Publish Changes:

  1. If you have previously Published your Zeck but have since made changes, you will need to Publish Changes. Click ↑ Publish Changes in Section Navigation.
  2. A window will open showing your options to Publish Site to Viewers. You will be able to Select Viewers, Disable Comments in Published Zeck, Copy Link and Publish Now. 
  3. Click Publish Now
  4. A window will open confirming that you are Ready to Publish, 
  5. Click Yes, Publish Now
  6. All of your changes are now live on the Published Site

3. Pro Tips When Publishing 

When Publishing and Sharing your Zeck, there are a few steps you'll want to keep in mind.

  • Always make sure that you've added Viewers to the Zeck. 
  • It's a great idea to also make sure that you've turned on Request Access so all of your intended Viewers have an easy time accessing the site. 
  • This Viewer Guide has some handy tips to consider when thinking through the standard Viewer experience.
  • Publishing a Zeck DOES NOT send your Viewers any kind of notification. You can publish as many times as you'd like without your Viewers knowing. Once you're ready to share with them, you simply share the link to the Published Site by clicking the 🔗 Link icon next to the Publish button and sending the link to your Viewers. 


👋 Need more help? Reach the Zeck Customer Success Team directly at