Zeck AI Charts & Graphs

Our AI Charts & Graphs feature makes it so easy to create smart charts and graphs. You will never again have to start a chart from scratch or worry about the formatting...especially on mobile. Woo hoo.

How does Zeck AI Charts & Graphs work?

So glad you asked - you can either watch this quick video below to see first hand how Zeck AI Charts & Graphs work. Or, scroll down for step-by-step instructions. So fun.


Don't feel like watching a video? We've got you.

Like we said above, Zeck AI Charts & Graphs makes it beyond easy to take data from your tables and make graphs or charts from this data. 

Here's how:

1. First, click on the table you want to create a chart or graph from. You'll see a "Generate Chart" button appear above the table.

2. Second, click on the 'Generate Chart' button. A prompt box will open up underneath the table. The prompt box will say 'Describe the chart you would like me to make from the data above."

3. Thirdly, and here's where the fun part happens, using the prompt box, you can ask the AI for exactly what type of chart or graph you're looking for. Type your request and make sure to ask for a specific type of chart or graph (line, bar, pie) and specify which data points you want the chart or graph to include. See our example below.


4. Lastly, if you're happy with the chart or graph, just press the accept button and it'll automatically add it to your Zeck. Changed your mind and want to get more granular? You can ask the AI to iterate on your chart and continue to refine it. Once you're good, simply accept the chart and you'll have a beautiful chart ready to go. 

That's it!

You just created a smart chart using our Zeck AI Charts & Graphs feature. Can you imaging all of the time you'll get back now that you're not wasting it creating or formatting charts and graphs? Probably a good time to think about a new hobby.

Zeck AI Charts & Graphs FAQs

  • Can I ask the AI to use specific colors in my chart or graph?
    • Yes ๐ŸŽ‰ You can ask the AI to create the chart or graph in shades of a certain hex code, or say something like 'use shades of purple'. If you don't have specific colors you want to use, that's fine too. I'll make sure everything looks nice no matter what. 
  • Are the AI charts and graphs interactive?
    • Another yes ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ As if the creation of charts and graphs wasnโ€™t already mind-blowing - theyโ€™re also fully interactive. If your board members want to hover over individual data points or turn on and off data sources, now they can. Such a better experience for everyone all around.
  • Are the AI charts and graphs mobile-friendly?

    • Yes again ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Zeck AI Charts & Graphs are fully responsive and look amazing on your phone or any device. Youโ€™ll never have to worry about someone zooming in to see those pesky axis labels any longer.