Text Formatting

This article will show you the basic text formatting options within the Zeck Editor.

Included in this article:

  1. Section Titles
  2. Headlines
  3. Headings
  4. Labels
  5. Text
  6. Lists

1. Section Titles

Each Section in the table of contents should have a title. There are two ways to update your Section Title:

  • Click the Three Dots on the on the right side of the Section tile in the Navigation Panel and choose Rename from the menu.


  • Or, select and replace the Section Title text in the Section Editor. 


2. Headlines

In Addition to your Section Title, each section also has a Headline option. In order to add a Headline: 

  • Type text into the Headline field (which is just below your Title field in the Section Editor). Any text that you include in the Headline field will show up on it's own white screen between the Section Title and Section Content in a Published Zeck. This is not a required field. 


🤓 Pro Tip: Leave the Headline field blank to have a more streamlined scroll through your Published Zeck. You can always use bold text at the top of the Section and add a Divider line below anything you'd like to call out before the main Section content begins. 

3. Headings

The Heading font is your largest, brand colored font. This is a great option for starting your Section and for indicating the major subtopics within your section. To choose the Heading font:

  • Click the Add (+) button in the Section Editor. (This shows up any time you are in a new line.) The Add (+) button will open your Element Menu. Choose Heading from the list. 


  • If you have existing text that you'd like to convert to the Heading format, select the text block(s) and then click the Text Formatting Dropdown on the far left side of the Formatting Menu. From here, choose Heading - this will convert your existing text into a Heading.


4. Labels

The Label font is a brand-colored, capitalized font option that you can use to add additional depth and organization to your Section text. To choose the Label option, follow all of the steps above for Headings but choose Label from the list.

🤓 Pro Tip: It's a great idea use a variety of text formats throughout each Section. This will help to keep your Viewers engaged as they review your Zeck. And, don't forget, emojis can be used to add additional context (e.g. 🔴 🟡 🟢 to indicate project progress).

5. Text

The default body text is great for most of the content you'll be adding into Zeck. To make this text Bold, Italics or Underlined:

  • Highlight the text you'd like to change, this will bring up the Formatting Menu 
  • Then click Bold, Italics and Underlined

🤓 Pro Tip: You can always use your keyboard shortcuts to convert text to Bold, Italics and Underlined. See below for a quick list of common keyboard shortcuts...

Keyboard Shortcuts on a Mac:
  • Cut: Command + X
  • Copy: Command + C
  • Paste: Command + V
  • Undo: Command + Z
  • Select All: Command + A
Keyboard Shortcuts on a PC:
  • Copy: Ctrl + C
  • Cut: Ctrl + X
  • Paste: Ctrl + V
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z
  • Select All: Ctrl + A

6. Lists

You have the option to add Bulleted and Numbered lists in Zeck. To create a list:

  1. Click into a new line in the Editor
  2. Click the Add (+) button
  3. The Element Menu will open, click Bulleted List or Numbered List
  4. You can also convert existing text using the Formatting Menu (above)

Once you have a Bulleted List, you can convert bullet points into sub-bullets:

  1. Highlight the bullet(s) that you would like to sub-indent
  2. The Formatting Menu will open
  3. Click the Sub-Indent button, the highlighted list will be converted to sub-bullets
  4. You can revert sub-bullets to standard bullet points by highlighting the text and clicking the Sub-Indent button again
