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  2. Zeck Board Meeting Guide

3. Set the Stage to be Collaborative and Productive.

Start with a mindset change. Reframe the conversation in your mind, and understand that your board is not there solely to judge you. They are there to help your company, and they are in this with you.  

  • Don't present. Sit at the table and don't stand. Don't get bogged down by presenting all your content live. Ask if there are questions about anything in the read-ahead and then move on directly to the important discussions.
  • Try not to wander far from the agreed-upon agenda. Time spent talking off-agenda could be valuable, but more often, those discussions are rabbit holes that take important time away from the decisions that impact the business.
  • Don't be afraid to assign tasks to board members. While scary at first, this establishes the group as a team working for a common goal.  Again, your board should want to help you.
  • Get as much admin done ahead of the meeting as possible. Starting a board meeting with the admin can kill your ability to ‘set-the-stage’ for strategic discussions. It often bogs down the in-person meeting.
  • Approve prior meeting minutes and standard option grants through unanimous written consents if possible. 

"In my world, the day of the 'board update' is over. I find no value in sitting in a room for three hours, paging through a PowerPoint deck while people present at me."

-Brad Feld, Partner and Co-Founder, Foundry